Or is it just a lack of understanding thus far, as to what capabilities Digital Twins have? And the road towards Triplets, will lead to a slippery slope?
Worthwhile context - "The Model 777, the first entirely new Boeing airplane in more than a decade, was the first jetliner to be 100 percent digitally designed using three-dimensional computer graphics. Throughout the design process, the airplane was “pre-assembled” on the computer, eliminating the need for a costly, full-scale mock-up." https://www.boeing.com/history/products/777.page Needless to say, Boeing had 'data' from more than a few 'old hospitals' that it leveraged.
I think diving deeper into how this digital twin first approach works will help demystify the idea for the readers and prove that what you’re proposing here is not far fetch at all!
Worthwhile context - "The Model 777, the first entirely new Boeing airplane in more than a decade, was the first jetliner to be 100 percent digitally designed using three-dimensional computer graphics. Throughout the design process, the airplane was “pre-assembled” on the computer, eliminating the need for a costly, full-scale mock-up." https://www.boeing.com/history/products/777.page Needless to say, Boeing had 'data' from more than a few 'old hospitals' that it leveraged.
I think diving deeper into how this digital twin first approach works will help demystify the idea for the readers and prove that what you’re proposing here is not far fetch at all!
That’s definitely what hit it home for me.