The future is already here, just unevenly distributed. We have the ingredients, but the question is how we can put them together in the right order.
This is a special episode where we will discuss Digital Twins, the Metaverse, and also how it relates to other trends in the Building Buzz Hypecycle. All (?) of your questions will be answered soon!
An introductory presentation by Nicolas Waern on the Metaverse and Digital Twins. Nicolas Waern explores how the right ingredients at the right time could enable organizations to make smarter decisions faster. He dives into the value this domain can create for Investors, Entrepreneurs, and Professionals.
Here are some of the questions that are being answered in the episode!
How to make decisions 99% faster?
What does physical twinning mean?
How does it compare to Digital Twins and the Metaverse?
Learn with examples the different layers of the Metaverse?
How important is it with interoperability and has it been addressed enough?
What is needed to accelerate future readiness for companies at a global scale?
What are the challenges and opportunities that exist for companies, investors, entrepreneurs, and professionals with Digital Twins and Metaverse?
PASSWORD: metaverse
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Nicolas Waern, Podcast Creator, Strategy & Innovation Expert at WINNIIO
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